10 things to do before choosing a profession

You've been knocking for a long time, but you do not have an idea, who do you want to become? Do not worry, not all 22-year-olds know what profession they like.


In order to facilitate the choice of profession, a whole scientific discipline called "professional orientation" was created. Its purpose is to provide genuine, scientifically-assisted assistance in choosing a future profession. You do not want to become an accountant, for this is how my mom and dad said?

For you, I've compiled a list of tips to do before you decide on the choice.


  1. Let's start with the simplest: what are you interested in?

What do you like to do? If it's difficult to answer - take a notepad and pen and write down thoughts on paper. It's easier to orientate.

  1. Realize your capabilities

You can not become a good writer when you do not have perfect customwriting skills. Think about what you have the ability to do best. But at the same time remember that success consists of 95% of work and 5% of talent.


  1. The thought of your parents and your environment matters, but not the priority

Do not try to obey it blindly if you want to see a lawyer, and you're passionate and fond of physics. It is best to sit with your parents at the negotiating table, getting ready to have arguments to resolve the dispute in their favor. It would be ideal if your desires were to coincide, but this is not always possible. Fight!

  1. Development of their abilities and talents

It has long been known that the best work is a hobby. Because then you do not work, but you get pleasure. So think about what the profession will realize all your talents.

  1. One of the most important points - money

If you have to pay a little at work, you have to change it, or look for a spoof. And you do not need it. Therefore, immediately determine how much you want to receive, and already in accordance with this choose a profession.


  1. Career growth

This item is tied to the previous one, because moving up the career ladder means increasing salaries. Remember that work without this opportunity is deprived of additional motivation to work more and more qualitatively. The winner will receive more than a newcomer-civil servant, but with time the salary of the first will not change, but the second change of position and wage growth are common practice.


  1. The demand for labor market and the possibility of employment are important criteria when choosing a profession

You can be a highly skilled specialist in the field of rocket and space construction, but do not find a decent job with a high salary. Therefore, I asked what professions are relevant now which specialists will be needed in the near future.


  1. You can not decide which profession you like - do not worry

Remember, we mentioned the tests on Facebook? They are made for the sake of fun, but there are serious counterparts created by renowned scholars to make life easier for young people. I recommend the Netherlands test.

  1. One of the best ways to learn more about various professions is vocational guidance camps

To help you as you gather the best speakers from different fields: IT, business, media, education, science. Their purpose is not advertising their place of work, but helping young people in the right choice of one profession for life.

  1. Pay attention to working conditions

Suddenly, you love to travel, and the profession implies a permanent presence in the office? Or work requires active communication with people, and you like to work alone? Immediately determine the environment and conditions, and you will not be inconvenient to feel yourself.

Imagine looking for a product on a great site. This product is your future profession. Try through the filter system to find it, unique and unique (and maybe not one, ha?).